I am a Certified Photo Manager and founder of Sunflower Photo Solutions, and also an electrical engineer, wife and mom. Photography is in my blood, coming from a long line of photo enthusiasts, going back over two generations on my father's side. I have been organizing media, helping individuals, families and businesses SAVE THEIR STORY for over 8 years.

I know you want to get your photos in shape! My clients were just like you, overwhelmed, frustrated and not knowing where to turn, until they found me. DIG YOUR PHOTOS! came to me in a dream to bring print photo organizing to everyone who had the need (who doesn’t?). It was such a startling vivid dream, that I had to follow through!

That dream is now a reality! DIG YOUR PHOTOS!, will set you up for success and build confidence to execute the process of organizing your photos. DIG YOUR PHOTOS! provides the tools and structure for any novice to organize their own photos. This can be a group activity, fun for the whole family or this kit can be used solo to organize an entire collection. The process is exactly the same. The one thing that is guaranteed is it will bring your family together and SAVE YOUR STORY.

Hi, I’m Rhoda Gordon.

Why the name: “DIG YOUR PHOTOS!”?

While creating the product, I was stuck for a name that truly conveyed the essence of it. My daughter Molly came up with the perfect name! DIG YOUR PHOTOS! has 2 meanings. It is a nod to an archeological dig which sole purpose is to learn more about the past. As users uncover and organize their print photos, their family story becomes clearer and more easily shared. Additionally since many of the print photos are from the 50s, 60, 70s and 80s the word “dig” brings up the generational slang to understand and to like.